You have questions?
We are happy to help:

General questions

Our admin office will be
happy to assist you:

+49 (9131) 918 916-0

Product questions

Our sales department will be happy to answer your questions about our products and services:

+49 (9131) 918 916-1

Technical questions

Our support team can provide rapid assistance with technical questions:

+49 (9131) 918 916-3

Job enquiries

You would like to apply for a job with us or have questions about career opportunities?

+49 (9131) 918 916-2

Send us a message

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» Further information on data protection


Or get in touch with your contact:

Sören Berger

Sören Berger
Sales Manager

+49 9077 95733-42

Martin Wanka

Martin Wanka
Sales Manager

+49 9077 95733-43

Valentina Wilmann-Rempe

Valentina Wilmann-Rempe

+49 9077 95733-44

Stefan Hirschbolz

Stefan Hirschbolz
Customer Projects

+49 9077 95733-47

Joachim Kaufmann

Joachim Kaufmann

+49 9077 95733-46

Our head office is located in Bachhagel, Bavaria, near Dillingen, on the border with Baden-Württemberg. We are active throughout Germany and would be happy to come to your company. You can also get to know us online in our webcasts or at trade fairs and events.